World Mental Health Day in 10 postcards

World Mental Health Day in 10 postcards

How I picture #MentalHealthDay.

Tanmoy Goswami
Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day. For the past couple years, I've been shunning panels and webinars and whatnot on this day because I don't have anything of value to add amid all the hashtag-gy noise. This year, I do have a few things to say - on the state of the world, on my inner life and yours, on joy and grief - but I don't feel like writing. I figured you could also do with some respite from all the World Mental Health Day-themed marketing emails in your inbox. Thank god for Canva. Enjoy these 10 postcards that capture everything I'm feeling right now. Let me know what you see in them. Share them with friends who're struggling to imagine. You can also follow me on Instagram, where I hide when I don't have words in me. See you next week, when the noise has died a little.

A picture of Freud in a birthday cap, lighting candles on a cake. The text reads: "What do you call a person who spews rubbish 'psychology facts'? A freudster."
An out-of-shape blue bathroom mug against a grey background. The text reads: "They say the brain is neuroplastic. Mine must be made of the cheap, brittle bathroom mug variety."
A meditating cat. The text reads: "Cat memes are great. But have you met a doctor who believes your problems are real, even if no tests can catch them?"
A close-up photo of the moon in the night sky. The text reads: "I am proposing a new unit of measurement. Per capita grief."
A photo of a vast blue sky. At the top is a crescent moon. At the bottom is a mountain range. The text reads: "I am not afraid of panic attacks anymore. Peace. Now that scares me shitless."
A badgered looking gorilla sitting in a zoo enclosure. The text reads: "My therapist has a name for all the clogged up feelings inside my head. She calls it emotional sinusitis."
A mountain cityscape against a dusky sky. The text reads: "To be depressed is to be colonised by indifference."
Grass, flower, and leaves in vivid hues of green covered in frost. The text reads "When everyone feels like an impostor, it's time to toss the tools of measurement in the garbage."
Bright pink flowers growing on a stone wall. The text reads: "Joy is rupture. Owning your joy is the ultimate statement that you are moving on from history."
Dry grey and green grass and a few dried leaves. The text reads: "F**k all the empty talk of mental health awareness. When will we talk about access to mental health care?"

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Freud image created with Canva Magic Media. © Tanmoy Goswami.
