You've come at a crucial time!

You've come at a crucial time!

Sanity is the only solo, independent, reader-funded mental health storytelling platform in our part of the world to have survived 4+ years. Your being here is massively important for me – and the future of important work like this at a very difficult time for indie creators. Lemme welcome you with a 3-minute video tour of my story so far.

Before I launched this site, I asked some of my closest friends and allies why they believe this platform should exist. They live in the US and the Netherlands and the UK and India and Singapore and Australia and Greece. They are lived experience advocates and therapists and doctors and editors and game designers and just the warmest, kindest, most wonderful human beings. Here are two of them talking about why they support Sanity by Tanmoy – and you should too:

Take Lorraine and Charlotte's cues and explore Sanity. Write to me. I read and reply to every single email from my readers. And once you're convinced that my work deserves your support, please lend me a hand by choosing one of the options below.

See you around.

Love and thanks,

Help me from India

Help me from elsewhere