Mental health impacts everything impacts mental health.
Read that again.

Cybergrief has no unsubscribe button
My fantasy is to be able to choose my grief. I want to mark as spam all the grief in the world that I cannot handle. But grief born on the internet doesn't care for my fantasy.
Let's talk: Has the mental health pendulum really swung too far?
Are we creating a culture where celebrating healing and recovery is ridiculed and demonised?
Does diagnosis help or harm? Or, why we name our demons
Mental health diagnoses are often attacked for being unscientific, oppressive, and prone to abuse. But for many, they remain the only route to dignity and sanity.
This is probably the wildest thing I've done in my life
👋🏾 Welcome to Sanity by Tanmoy's new home. Hope you like the view.
Sanity is moving to a great new home + our half-yearly report card
We've come far in the past six months, and now we are going places!
How to tell if your workplace mental health scheme is a greenwashing scam
The environment sector has a handy rule book to identify bullshit claims. It's time to use it to test workplaces too.
The year you healed your therapist
We are witnessing a profound shift in the traditional therapist-client relationship.
🌻 Special edition: "Hope is a discipline" and 5 other ideas to live by in hopeless times
Hope is hard work, but maybe, just maybe, it is within our grasp.
Should crying clubs be declared essential public infrastructure?
Crying is said to have superpowers - such as flushing toxins from the body. But we shouldn't need 'science' to build a case for crying.
🎟 Let's talk about crying
Sobbing, weeping, or bawling - whatever your method, I invite you to join me for a special conversation with Heather Christle, author of The Crying Book, an incandescent ode to our tears.
The miracle that stops people from killing themselves
New research from Brazil shows the life-saving power of direct cash transfers.
Radical hope
How do we heal from this carnage?