Mental health impacts everything impacts mental health.
Read that again.

Your loud is becoming my loud. And I didn't opt in.
Passive audio is the new passive smoking.
🗝️ Sanity Classics: Finding the missing older people in stories about depression
Depression is the leading mental health challenge among older adults. Why then do we treat it as an exclusively young person's problem?
🗝️ Sanity Classics: "I am sad papa, and I don't know why"
Hopeful notes on parenting with depression.
The life-saving case for cash transfers
This could well be the most important question in the post-pandemic world: can putting money in the hands of people prevent suicides?
DSM is a #1 bestseller on Amazon. Its review page is a hilarious cultural war zone.
The reviews of the DSM-5-TR on Amazon are a Tarantino take on Laurel and Hardy: violent, moody, and very LOL.
Data. Ta-da!
How would you feel if your therapist sold your private information to advertisers?
"Let them eat cake," feat. workplace mental health
The upside down world of workplace mental health training programmes.
An ode to my mood stabiliser.
Ten years of saving lives: how Bangladesh’s first suicide prevention helpline proved naysayers wrong
When Yeshim Iqbal started Kaan Pete Roi 10 years ago, a suicide prevention helpline was an unheard-of idea in Bangladesh. Today, it is a case study on how to run a powerful, volunteer-driven platform in a resource-constrained setting.
Update: a fellowship and the future of Sanity
A chance to strengthen the foundations of independent mental health journalism rooted in the global south.
Hope, empowerment, action: a new series dedicated to suicide prevention
In a first, Sanity is partnering Mariwala Health Initiative to tell powerful stories on tackling one of the biggest public health crises of our time.